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You find yourself walking through a beautiful glade, with some magnificent looking mountains behind you, and a lake to your left. Finding yourself a bit parched, you head to the water to get yourself a drink, as it looks pristine. As you bend down and start drinking, you feel a pair of tiny feet gently touch on your backside, and hear what seems to be tiny giggling. Startled, you turn your head as best you can to see what all the fuss is about. You see a pixie with shaggy black hair, caramel skin, a kilt made of blades of grass, and wings that resemble a butterfly's standing on your backside, beside himself with laughter. "What's so funny?" you ask, still startled, but curious. "I'm on top of the moooon! Ha!" he manages to get out before he flies off of you and wipes his tiny deep purple eyes. "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. I go by many names, but you may call me Krinlith. I like to have a bit of fun with people, it tends to lighten the mood of a first meeting. You seem to be a bit lost, but that's alright. Now that I've found you, you're not lost anymore. Before we get you back to where you wanted to go, it might do you good to do a bit of exploring around here. You're not native, and I hate to tell you, but it shows. As long as you behave yourself, you should be okay. I'll keep watch over you and protect you, but a word of warning. There are some creatures here that are also under my protection. My family, my clan, friends and loved ones all. They shall not be harmed, or my protection over you ceases immediately, and you will be unfortunate enough to see the less pleasant side of my nature. This is your one warning. Other than that, you seem a bit hungry and thirsty. I'll get you something to eat, follow me!". As he flies off, his body changes entirely, and in one fluid motion, a phoenix is now flying where there was once a small pixie. As the phoenix you know as the pixie called Krinlith looks back at you, you notice those same purple eyes. For a second you wonder what else he can change into, and just how powerful he is. Perhaps he's a kind of Warrior? It seems more and more likely as you think of it. He seemed mostly pleasant, but...something deep inside you, some primal instinct, tells you that you don't really want to cross him. He seems to be your best bet for safety and food, possibly shelter (It also might help if you got better acquainted with the area you're in, in case you're stuck here a while) so you decide to follow him. 

Krinlith's Glade.

In Sunlit Shadows

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