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     As you follow the phoenix for a while, you're lead through the Wilds, a savagely sentient area that has the overall feel of some kind of woodland. It makes you uncomfortable and you find yourself glad to have the strange creature as a guide; this is an untamed place, where the land belongs to itself and the strange beings who claimed this world. He's also kept his word about finding food and drink. You've been given plenty of snacks while you walked, all of them found by Krinlith, as well as a stream where you could refill a strange water sack he loaned you.

     In spite of your discomfort you find the trees thinning out in a relatively short time, until you suddenly realize you've stepped onto a desert. This, however, is not like any desert you're used to. The sand beneath your feet is a pale blue, but when it shifts and moves, the color shifts with it. As it moves, the colors shift to deeper pink tones, and just for a moment. As you look around, you notice that the suns (Yes, two of them) are orange. 

     "At night, the sky is absolutely stunning. It never truly gets pitch-black here, just a lovely deep bluish-purple. We're here to meet a friend of mine, by the way. Soon to be a friend of yours, I hope." Soon your (currently) avian guide spots her, and you do as well, shortly after. She's a striking figure, but what makes the biggest impression is her eyes; they look as if they could pierce through the veil and see into your very soul. As she introduces herself however, her voice is soft and gentle and proves to be strangely calming. There is also something mysterious about her that you cannot place, but you do not think it's by accident.

     "Hi, I'm MoonFyreLilly, but you can call me Fyre if you wish. Most do. I'm glad you decided to visit, do try not to get killed. There's one hundred and one things that can do so around here, so just be careful." She seems very polite, but blunt, you think to yourself. As she says this, Krinlith gives a bit of a chuckle. "Don't worry," he says. "As I said, as long as you stay close-by, I'll keep you safe." You breathe a small sigh of relief; something about Krinlith makes you feel safe. The soft-spoken Fyre gives you a similar impression of being able to take care of herself, especially as she was found in a strangely colored desert. Curious, and trying to be polite so that you can keep your guide, you ask why she's here of all places.

     "This place is where she thrives. It's meant for her." he replies. That seems to make sense to you. You begin to realize that you're developing an affinity for this land, and are curious to see more. You ask your guide if you might be able to explore more with him, as politely as you can, and with a smile, he replies. "Of course we can. Just follow me, and keep close by. We can meet another friend of mine."

Name: MoonFyreLilly

Home: Arctic Desert

Gender: Female

Affinity/Parents: Dragonfly x Inferno

Special Stats: Elemental (Shadow)

Circle: The Storm Clouds

From: Sionayra

Krinlith's Glade.

In Sunlit Shadows

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